Teacher Leadership & Wellness

Cool, Calm, and Collected

Presenter: Aimee Edwards & Kim Faustini

Tentatively Scheduled for December 2, 2024

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

Join us for an engaging workshop focused on enhancing the climate within your classroom! In this session, educators will explore practical strategies for strengthening connections, managing behaviors, and fostering a sense of collectiveness within their classrooms. Participants will learn how to navigate the balance between whole-class strategies and individualized support, to effectively meet the diverse needs of their students. Through collaborative discussions and hands-on activities, educators will discover how to leverage available resources to enhance their classroom climate. Leave feeling empowered with a toolkit of strategies to create a cool, calm, and collected classroom environment where every student can thrive.

Counseling Roundtable: Managing Anxiety/Stress In Students & Ourselves: 1/2-day session

Presenters: Kristen Delventhal & Deborah Bajakian

Tentatively Scheduled for January 15, 2025

Recommended for School-Based Counselors of Grades Pre-K-12

This workshop is designed for school professionals who provide school-based counseling support, an opportunity to collaborate in a roundtable discussion identifying how counselors can show up as their best selves in the counseling role. It is natural for emotions to get stirred up when navigating difficult student cases. This workshop will validate that emotional experience while providing tools to identify personal triggers that may arise in the counseling relationship, manage "human" responses, as well as best practices in how to practice self-care in this unique role. 

*Note: This is a 1/2-day session, 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Dare to Lead: Cultivating Courageous Educator Leaders: two 1/2 day sessions

Presenters: Lisa Barragato & Kathleen O'Flynn

Tentatively Scheduled for October 16, 2024 AND March 26, 2025

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

According to Brené Brown, “A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.” In this session, participants will learn the principles discussed in Brené Brown’s bestseller "Dare To Lead." This two-part course is designed for teacher leaders who facilitate change in their discipline, classroom, and school community. Discussions will range from vulnerability in the workplace, braving trust, living with values, finding courage, and many more! Although it is not necessary, interested participants are encouraged to read the book prior to the workshop.

*Note: This group will meet for two 1/2-day sessions, 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Designing Professional Learning Experiences for Adult Learners

Presenter: Virginia Senande

Tentatively Scheduled for September 23, 2024

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

Engaging, relevant, transferable, and challenging are adjectives describing effective professional learning. For those who are currently providing training for peers or hope to do so in the future, this workshop is a great opportunity to increase effectiveness for teaching adult learners. Participants will examine guidelines for developing and implementing powerful professional learning strategies that honor the learners’ expertise, experiences and skills. Opportunities will be provided to apply these skills and enhance current approaches/materials, or create a plan which includes well-designed content, collaborative aspects, balanced participation, and presentation jazz.

*Note: Recommended for first-time workshop facilitators.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Book Club

Presenter: Toby Murphy

Tentatively Scheduled for October 18, 2024, December 2, 2024, AND February 27, 2025

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

During this three-session book club experience, participants will discuss approaches to understanding and dismantling topics around equity, prejudice, discrimination, and racism. Conversations will focus on using the text to work towards embracing the role of an equity-literate educator. Participants will read three books on the topic over the course of the school year. Texts will be chosen by the participants.

*Note: This workshop meets for three separate 1/2-day sessions, 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Enhancing Wellness: Connection, Coping, and Culture

Presenter: Lydia Greco

Tentatively Scheduled for March 19, 2025

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

In this workshop, participants will focus on three specific aspects of wellness in schools: connection, coping and culture. Discussions will cover the following: the importance of establishing relationships and helping students feel emotionally connected, strategies to help students regulate their emotions and cope with various feeling states, and ways to develop positive school culture, including exploration of the benefits of wellness centers/fairs and Zen rooms. 

*Note: This is the second part to “Supporting Wellness” but the sessions do not have to be taken in order.

Fierce Conversations

Presenter: Kathleen O'Flynn

Tentatively Scheduled for February 25, 2025

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

Susan Scott, author of "Fierce Conversations" purports, “The conversation is the relationship!” This engaging interactive session will introduce participants to three transformational ideas and seven principles that will shift basic understandings of conversations and the power they hold, achieving results, and building leadership. Participants will learn how to tackle their toughest challenges while building an open, direct, and respectful culture. Fierce Conversations will demonstrate how to transform everyday conversations into effective and powerful tools to deliver the important messages. The goal of Fierce Conversations is to develop more dynamic and more effective interactions “one conversation at a time.”

Healthy Teachers, Happy Classrooms

Presenter: Virginia Senande

Tentatively Scheduled for January 8, 2025

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

In order to create positive learning environments for their students, educators must also stay healthy and optimistic. This workshop will examine practices designed to encourage educator wellness and ultimately improve student learning. Participants will explore 12 brain-based principles to avoid burnout, increase optimism, and support physical well-being from Marcia Tate’s "Healthy Teachers, Healthy Classrooms" and create action plans for implementation.

How to Reclaim Your Energy, Passion, and Time: A Book Study

Presenter: Kathleen O'Flynn

Tentatively Scheduled for September 26, 2024 AND November 21, 2024

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

This transformative book study, based on “Educator Bandwidth” by Jane Kise and Ann Holm,  will explore practical strategies for educators seeking to restore balance, rejuvenate a passion for teaching, and maximize their effectiveness in the classroom. Through engaging discussions, reflective exercises, and goal-setting activities, participants will learn how to identify and overcome common challenges that drain energy and motivation. 

*Note: This group will meet for two 1/2-day sessions, 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

**Note: Participants will need to purchase the book.

Impact of Emotions on Learning

Presenter: Kathleen O'Flynn

Tentatively Scheduled for December 3, 2024

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

Emotion is important in education as it drives attention, which in turn drives learning. A basic understanding of the emotional brain system is essential for educators. The area of the brain known to be significant in one’s emotional life serves as a constant monitor of the environment and can enhance or impede learning. Attendees will participate in a discussion of various mind states that impact the learning process. In addition, strategies that can be used to maximize learning and retention, promote a sense of safety within students in high-stress environments, and enhance creative thinking, will be presented.

Meeting Diverse Behavioral and Social-Emotional Needs in the K-8 Classroom

Presenter: Melanie Arnold and Laura Wiseman

Tentatively Scheduled for December 4, 2024

Recommended for Educators of Grades K-8

Discover practical strategies for supporting student success in this workshop focused on meeting diverse behavioral and social-emotional needs in K-8 classrooms. Educators and service providers will explore proactive approaches to address a variety of behavioral challenges and promote positive social-emotional development. Participants will learn how to create inclusive classroom environments, implement effective behavior management techniques, and provide targeted support to meet individual student needs. Leave with a deeper understanding of how to increase availability for learning and foster a supportive community where all students can thrive.

Promoting Culture and Climate in the School Setting

Presenters: Christina Nazarko & Wendy Mackey

Tentatively Scheduled for January 10, 2025

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

Research shows that positive school culture, including an environment that develops positive relationships among students and teachers, increases student achievement. This workshop is an educator-focused professional learning session for those who are interested in building culture, climate and inclusivity in the work setting. Establishing a positive school climate and culture is essential for educator job satisfaction and improving academic outcomes. The team will discover how to build a positive school community that focuses on relationships, discipline, and the representation of all students. There will also be time to explore how to transform the quality, character and personality of the school environment, starting in one’s own classroom.

Promoting Culture and Climate in the School Setting - Explore Some More!

Presenters: Christina Nazarko & Wendy Mackey

Tentatively Scheduled for March 25, 2025

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

Prerequisite: Promoting Culture and Climate in the School Setting

Attended Promoting Culture and Climate in the School Setting and craving more? This workshop will further explore how to build a positive school community that focuses on relationships, discipline, and the representation of all students. There will also be time to share and collaborate with like-minded peers on your experiences with transforming the quality, character, and personality of your own school environment. 

Social-Emotional Learning

Presenters: Katharine Meyers & Virginia Senande

Tentatively Scheduled for November 25, 2024

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

Successful implementation of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) practices can result in positive behaviors, increased academic success, and caring communities. This workshop will explore the five competencies of Social Emotional Learning developed by CASEL and adopted by the NJDOE: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. After examining the five competencies, participants will explore areas in their curriculum where SEL can be infused and will plan learning for their students on this topic.

*Note: Registration for ASHA CEUs TBA

Successful Mentoring

Presenter: Virginia Senande

Tentatively Scheduled for September 18, 2024 AND November 13, 2024

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

The complex nature of mentoring speaks to the benefits for current and prospective mentors to attend this training. Clarity of roles and responsibilities, as well as helpful techniques to maximize effectiveness, will be explored. Participants will gain insight into individual mentor and protégé needs through a variety of instruments, discussions, and reflections. In accordance with the New Jersey Professional Standards for teachers, the new mandates of TeachNJ, and mentoring revisions (May 2014), this workshop recognizes that collegial support and interaction are essential to the success of every aspect of education.

*Note: This workshop meets for two days.

The 4Rs: A Framework for Supporting Student Well-Being

Presenters: Anna Kuzdraj and Kelly Stevens

Tentatively Scheduled for February 7, 2025

Recommended for Educators of Grades Pre-K-12

In today’s classrooms, teachers face a variety of challenges in supporting students’ well-being. This session, which is based on the book Supporting Students’ Mental Health: Essentials for Teachers by Michael Hass and Amy Ardell, will provide teachers with concrete strategies to support the well-being of students in their classrooms. Teachers will learn about the 4Rs framework, which will provide guidance in recognizing and responding to students’ needs. Additionally, concepts such as a relationship-centered classroom, promoting social connections, and cultural responsiveness will be discussed as strategies to build a positive and nurturing environment.